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Paleoceanography Publications

Arctic Ocean paleoceanography


  • Dong, L., Liu, Y., Shi, X., Polyak, L., Huang, Y., Fang, X., Liu, J., Zou, J., Wang, K., Sun, F., Wang, X. Sedimentary record from the Canada Basin, Arctic Ocean: implications for late to middle Pleistocene glacial history. Climate of the Past, 13, 511-531. doi: 10.5194/cp-13-511-2017.
  • Gleason, J.D., Blum, J.D., Moore, T.C., Polyak, L., M Jakobsson, PA Meyers, A Biswas. Sources and cycling of mercury in the paleo Arctic Ocean from Hg stable isotope variations in Eocene and Quaternary sediments. Geochem. Cosmochem. Acta 197, 245-262.


  • Lazar, K.M., Polyak, L. Middle to late Pleistocene benthic foraminifers in the Arctic Ocean: implications for sea-ice and circulation history. Marine Micropaleont. 126, 19-30. doi: 10.1016/j.marmicro.2016.04.004.
  • Lazar, KM., Polyak, L., Dipre, G. Reexamination of the use of Cassidulina neoteretis (Foraminifera) as a Pleistocene biostratigraphic marker in the Arctic Ocean. J. Foraminiferal Res. 46, 115–123.


  • Bauch, D., Polyak, L., Ortiz, J.D. A baseline of stable carbon isotopes in the Dissolved Inorganic Carbon in arctic water column. Arktos. doi: 10.1007/s41063-015-0001-0.


  • Cronin, T.M., De Ninno, L.H., Polyak, L., Caverly, E.K., Poore, R.Z., Brenner, A., Rodriguez-Lazaro, J., Marzen, R.E. Quaternary ostracode and foraminiferal biostratigraphy and paleoceanography in the western Arctic Ocean. Marine Micropaleont. 111, 118-133.
  • Xiao, W., Wang, R., Polyak, L., Astakhov, A., Cheng, X. Stable oxygen and carbon isotopes in planktonic foraminifera Neogloboquadrina pachyderma in the Arctic Ocean: an overview of published and new surface-sediment data. Marine Geology 352, 397-408.


  • Cronin, T.M., Polyak, L., Reed, D., Kandiano, E.S., Marzen, R.E., Council, E.A. A 600-kyr Arctic sea-ice record from Mendeleev Ridge based on ostracodes. Quat. Sci. Rev. 79, 157-167.
  • Haley, B.A., Polyak, L. Pre-modern Arctic Ocean circulation from surface sediment neodymium isotopes. Geophys. Res. Lett. 40, 1–5.
  • Polyak, L., Best, K.M., Crawford, K.A., Council, E.A., St-Onge, G. Quaternary history of sea ice in the western Arctic Ocean based on foraminifera. Quatern. Sci. Rev. 79, 145-156.


  • Berger, G.W., Polyak, L. Dating sediment core tops from the central Lomonosov Ridge, Arctic Ocean, using 'micro-hole' quartz luminescence. Quat. Geochronol. 11, 42-51.
  • Xuan, C., Channell, J.E.T., Polyak, L., Darby, D.A., Paleomagnetism of Quaternary sediments from Lomonosov Ridge and Yermak Plateau: implications for age models in the Arctic Ocean. Quatern. Sci. Rev. 32, 48-63.


  • Polyak, L., Jakobsson, M., 2011. Quaternary sedimentation in the Arctic Ocean: recent advances and further challenges. Oceanography, 24, 52-64.


  • Yurco, L.N., Ortiz, J.D., Polyak, L., Darby, D.A., Crawford, K.A., 2010. Clay mineral cycles identified by diffuse spectral reflectance in Quaternary sediments from the Northwind Ridge: implications for glacial-interglacial sedimentation patterns in the Arctic Ocean. Polar Research 29, 176-197.
  • Polyak, L., Alley, R.B., Andrews, J.T., Brigham-Grette, J., Cronin, T.M., Darby, D.A., Dyke, A.S., Fitzpatrick, J.J., Funder, S., Holland, M., Jennings, A.E., Miller, G.H., O'Regan, M., Savelle, J., Serreze, M., St. John, K., White, J.W.C., Wolff, E., 2010. History of sea ice in the Arctic. Quatern. Science Reviews 29, 1757-1778.
  • Cronin, T., Gemery, L., Briggs, W. M., Jr., Jakobsson, M., Polyak, L., Brouwers, E. M., 2010. Quaternary sea ice history in the Arctic Ocean based on a new ostracode sea-ice proxy. Quatern. Sci. Rev. 29, 3415-3429.


  • Yamamoto, M., Polyak, L., 2009. Changes in terrestrial organic matter input to the Mendeleev Ridge, western Arctic Ocean, during the Late Quaternary. Global Planet. Change, 68 (1-2).
  • Polyak, L., Bischof, J., Ortiz, J.D., Darby, D.A., Channell, J.E.T., Xuan, C., Kaufman, D.S., Løvlie, R., Schneider, D.A., Eberl, D.D., Adler, R.E., Council, E.A., 2009. Late Quaternary stratigraphy and sedimentation patterns in the western Arctic Ocean. Global Planet. Change, 68 (1-2).
  • Adler, R.E., Polyak, L., Ortiz, J.D., Kaufman, D.S., Channell, J.E.T., Xuan, C., Grottoli, A.G., Sellen, E., Crawford, K.A., 2009. Sediment record from the western Arctic Ocean with an improved Late Quaternary age resolution: HOTRAX core HLY0503-8JPC, Mendeleev Ridge. Global Planet. Change, 68 (1-2).


  • Not, C., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Ghaleb, B., Polyak, L., Darby, D., 2008. 210Pb-226Ra-230Th systematics in very low sedimentation rate sediments from the Mendeleev Ridge (Arctic Ocean). Canadian J. Earth Sci., 45, 1207-1219.
  • Kaufman, D., Polyak, L., Adler, R., Channell, J., Xuan, C., 2008. Dating late Quaternary planktonic foraminifer Neogloboquadrina pachyderma from the Arctic Ocean by using amino acid racemization. Paleoceanography, 23, PA3224.


  • Darby, D.A., L. Polyak, and H. Bauch, 2006. Past glacial and interglacial conditions in the Arctic Ocean and marginal seas: a review. In: Structure and function of contemporary food webs on Arctic shelves: a Pan-Arctic comparison, P. Wassman (ed.), Progr. Oceanography, 71, 129-144.


  • Darby, D.A., Jakobsson, M., and Polyak, L., 2005. Icebreaker expedition collects key Arctic seafloor and ice data. Eos 86, No. 52, p. 549, 552.


  • Polyak, L., Curry, W.B., Darby, D.A., Bischof, J. and Cronin, T.M., 2004. Contrasting glacial/interglacial regimes in the western Arctic Ocean as exemplified by a sedimentary record from the Mendeleev Ridge. Palaeogeogr., Palaeoclimatol., Palaeoecol. 203, 73-93.
  • Backman, J., Jakobsson, M., Løvlie, R., Polyak, L. and Febo, L.A., 2004. Is the central Arctic Ocean a sediment starved basin? Quatern. Science Review 23, 1435-1454.


  • Jakobsson, M., Løvlie, R., Arnold, E., Backman, J., Polyak, L. and et al, 2001. A multiproxy approach to Pleistocene stratigraphy and paleoenvironmental variation in the central Arctic Ocean. Global Planet. Change 31, 1-21.

Arctic Ocean glaciations


  • Jakobsson, M., Andreassen, K., Bjarnadóttir, L.R., Dove, D., Dowdeswell, J.A., England, J.H., Funder, S., Hogan, K., Ingólfsson, Ó., Jennings, A., Krog-Larsen, N., Kirchner, N., Landvik, J.Y., Mayer, L., Möller, P., Niessen, F., Nilsson, J., O’Regan, M., Polyak, L., Nørgaard-Pedersen, N., Stein, R. 2014. Arctic Ocean glacial history: a review. Quatern. Sci. Rev. 92, 40–67.
  • Dove, D., Polyak, L., Coakley, B. 2014. Widespread, multi-source glacial erosion on the Chukchi margin, Arctic Ocean. Quatern. Sci. Rev. 92, 112–122.


  • Jakobsson, M., Polyak, L., Edwards, M.H., Kleman, J., Coakley, B.J., 2008. Glacial geomorphology of the central Arctic Ocean: Chukchi Borderland and the Lomonosov Ridge. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 33, 526-545.
  • Engels, J.L., Edwards, M.H., Polyak, L., Johnson, P.D., 2008. Seafloor evidence for ice shelf flow across the Alaska/Beaufort margin of the Arctic Ocean. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 33, 1047-1063.


  • Polyak, L., Darby, D.A., Bischof, J., Jakobsson, M., 2007. Stratigraphic constraints on late Pleistocene glacial erosion and deglaciation of the Chukchi margin, Arctic Ocean. Quaternary Research, 67, 234-245.


  • Polyak, L., Edwards, M.H., Coakley, B.J. and Jakobsson, M., 2001. Ice shelves in the Pleistocene Arctic Ocean inferred from glaciogenic deep-sea bedforms. Nature 410, 453-456.

Chukchi-Alaskan margin paleoceanography


  • Deschamps, C.-E., St-Onge, G., Montero-Serrano, J.-C., Polyak, L., Ponomareva, V. 2017. Chronostratigraphy and spatial distribution of magnetic sediments in the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas since the last deglaciation. Boreas, accepted.
  • Yamamoto, M., Nam, S.-I., Polyak, L., Kobayashi, D., Suzuki, K., Irino, T., and Shimada, K. 2017. Holocene history of the Bering Strait inflow to the Arctic and the Beaufort Gyre circulation based on sedimentary records from the Chukchi Sea. Climate of the Past, 13, 1111-1127. doi: 10.5194/cp-13-1111-2017.


  •  Polyak, L., Belt, S., Cabedo-Sanz, P., Yamamoto, M., Park, Y-H. 2016. Holocene sea-ice conditions at the Chukchi-Alaskan margin, Arctic Ocean. The Holocene 26 (11), 1810–1821.
  • Kim, S.-Y., Polyak, L., Delyusina, I., Nam, S.-I. 2016. Terrestrial and aquatic palynomorphs in Holocene sediments from the Chukchi-Alaskan margin, western Arctic Ocean: implications for the history of marine circulation and climatic environments. The Holocene. doi: 10.1177/0959683616678459.


  • Park, Y-H., Yamamoto, M., Nam, S-I., Irino, T., Polyak, L., and 5 others. 2014. Distribution, source and transportation of glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers in surface sediments from the western Arctic Ocean and the northern Bering Sea. Marine Chemistry 165, 10-24.


  • Ortiz, J., Nof, D., Polyak, L., St-Onge, G., Lisé-Pronovost, A., Naidu, S., Darby, D., Brachfeld, S. 2012. The Late Quaternary flow through the Bering Strait has been forced by the Southern Ocean Winds. J. Phys. Oceanogr. 42, 2014-2019.


  • Ortiz, J.D., Polyak, L., Grebmeier, J.M., Darby, D.A., Eberl, D.D., Naidu, S., Nof, D., 2009. Provenance of Holocene sediment on the Chukchi-Alaskan margin based on combined diffuse spectral reflectance and quantitative X-Ray Diffraction analysis. Global Planet. Change, 68 (1-2), 73-84.
  • Darby, D.A., Ortiz, J.D., Polyak, L., Lund, S., Jakobsson, M., Woodgate, R.A., 2009. The role of currents and sea ice in both slowly deposited central Arctic and rapidly deposited Chukchi-Alaskan margin sediments. Global Planet. Change, 68 (1-2). 58-72.


  • Barletta, F., St-Onge, G., Channell, J.E.T., Rochon, A., Polyak, L., Darby, D.A., 2008. High-resolution paleomagnetic secular variation and relative paleointensity records from the western Canadian Arctic: implication for Holocene stratigraphy and geomagnetic field behaviour. Canadian J. Earth Sci., 45, 1265-1281.
  • McKay, J.L., de Vernal, A., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Not, C., Polyak, L., Darby, D., 2008. Holocene fluctuations in Arctic sea-ice cover: dinocyst-based reconstructions for the eastern Chukchi Sea. Canadian J. Earth Sci., 45, 1377-1397.

Barents and Kara seas: glacial history


  • Patton, H., Andreassen, K., Bjarnadottir, L.R., Dowdeswell, J.A., Winsborrow, M.C.M., Noormets, R., Polyak, L., Auriac, A., Hubbard, A. 2015. Geophysical constraints on the dynamics and retreat of the Barents Sea Ice Sheet as a palaeo-benchmark for models of marine ice-sheet deglaciation. Rev. Geophys. 53, 1051–1098.


  • Polyak, L., Niessen, F., Gataullin, V., Gainanov, V., 2008. The eastern extent of the Barents-Kara Ice Sheet during the Last Glacial Maximum based on seismic-reflection data from the eastern Kara Sea. Polar Research, 27, 162-174.


  • Svendsen, J.I., Gataullin, V., Mangerud, J. and Polyak, L.V., 2004. The glacial history of the Barents and Kara Sea region. In: Ehlers, J. and Gibbard, P. (Eds.), Quaternary Glaciations - Extent and Chronology. Part I: Europe. Amsterdam, Elsevier, p. 369-378.


  • Polyak, L., Gataullin, V., Gainanov, V., Gladysh, V., and Goremykin, Yu., 2002. Kara Sea expedition yields insight into LGM ice sheet extent. Eos 83, 46, p. 525, 529.


  • Polyak, L., Gataullin, V., Okuneva, O. and Stelle, V., 2000. New constraints on the limits of the Barents-Kara Ice Sheet during the Last Glacial Maximum based on borehole stratigraphy from the Pechora Sea. Geology 28, 611-614.


  • Gataullin, V.N., Polyak, L.V., Epstein, O.G. and Romanyuk, B.F., 1993. Glacigenic deposits of the Central Deep: A key to the Late Quaternary evolution of the eastern Barents Sea. Boreas 22, 47-58.

Barents and Kara seas: Holocene paleoceanography and modern processes


  • Polyak, L., Murdmaa, I. and Ivanova, E., 2004. A high-resolution, 800-year glaciomarine record from Russkaya Gavan’, a Novaya Zemlya fjord, eastern Barents Sea. The Holocene 14, 638-344.


  • Polyak, L., Lubinski, D.J., and Stanovoy, V., 2003. Stable isotopes in benthic foraminiferal calcite from a river-influenced arctic marine environment, Kara and Pechora seas. Paleoceanography 18, 3-1 to 3-17.


  • Polyak, L., Korsun, S., Febo, L.A., Stanovoy, V., Khusid, T., Hald, M. and Lubinski, D.J., 2002. Benthic foraminiferal assemblages from the southern Kara Sea, a river-influenced arctic marine environment. Journal of Foraminiferal Research 32, 252-273.
  • Polyak, L., Levitan, M., Khusid, T., Merklin, L. and Mukhina, V., 2002. Variations in the influence of riverine discharge on the Kara Sea during the last deglaciation and the Holocene. Global Planet. Change. 32, 291-309.


  • Voronina, E., Polyak, L., de Vernal, A. and Peyron, O., 2001. Holocene variations of sea-surface conditions in the southeastern Barents Sea, reconstructed from dinoflagellate cyst assemblages. J. Quaternary Sci. 16, 717-726.
  • Lubinski, D.J., Polyak, L. and Forman, S.L., 2001. Latest Pleistocene and Holocene inflows of freshwater and Atlantic water to the northernmost Barents and Kara seas: foraminifera and stable isotopes. Quatern. Sci. Rev. 20, 1851-1879.


  • Smith, J.N., K.M. Ellis, L. Polyak, and three others, 2000. 239,240Pu transport into the Arctic Ocean from underwater nuclear tests in Chernaya Bay, Novaya Zemlya. Cont. Shelf Research 20, 255-279.
  • Polyak, L., Levitan, M., Khusid, T. and three others, 2000. The impact of glaciation, river-discharge, and sea-level change on Late Quaternary environments in the southwestern Kara Sea. Internat. J. Earth Sci. 89, 550-562.  doi: 10.1007/s005310000119.



  • Lazar, KM., Polyak, L., Dipre, G. Reexamination of the use of Cassidulina neoteretis (Foraminifera) as a Pleistocene biostratigraphic marker in the Arctic Ocean. J. Foraminiferal Res. 46, 115–123.


  • Cronin, T.M., De Ninno, L.H., Polyak, L., Caverly, E.K., Poore, R.Z., Brenner, A., Rodriguez-Lazaro, J., Marzen, R.E. Quaternary ostracode and foraminiferal biostratigraphy and paleoceanography in the western Arctic Ocean. Marine Micropaleont. 111, 118-133.
  • Xiao, W., Wang, R., Polyak, L., Astakhov, A., Cheng, X. Stable oxygen and carbon isotopes in planktonic foraminifera Neogloboquadrina pachyderma in the Arctic Ocean: an overview of published and new surface-sediment data. Marine Geology 352, 397-408.


  • Polyak, L., Best, K.M., Crawford, K.A., Council, E.A., St-Onge, G. Quaternary history of sea ice in the western Arctic Ocean based on foraminifera. Quatern. Sci. Rev. 79, 145-156.


  • Jakobsson, M., Løvlie, R., Arnold, E., Backman, J., Polyak, L. and et al, 2001. A multiproxy approach to Pleistocene stratigraphy and paleoenvironmental variation in the central Arctic Ocean. Global Planet. Change 31, 1-21.
  • Lubinski, D.J., Polyak, L. and Forman, S.L., 2001. Latest Pleistocene and Holocene inflows of freshwater and Atlantic water to the northernmost Barents and Kara seas: foraminifera and stable isotopes. Quatern. Sci. Rev. 20, 1851-1879.


  • Polyak, L., Levitan, M., Khusid, T. and three others, 2000. The impact of glaciation, river-discharge, and sea-level change on Late Quaternary environments in the southwestern Kara Sea. Internat. J. Earth Sci. 89, 550-562.  doi: 10.1007/s005310000119.


  • Korsun, S. A. and Polyak, L.V. 1990. Distribution of morphological groups of benthic foraminifera in the Barents Sea. Oceanology 29(5): 632-636. (Transl. into English by Amer. Geophys. Union)  

Particle-reactive contaminants in Eurasian arctic seas


  • Smith, J.N., K.M. Ellis, L. Polyak, and three others, 2000. 239,240Pu transport into the Arctic Ocean from underwater nuclear tests in Chernaya Bay, Novaya Zemlya. Cont. Shelf Research 20, 255-279.


  • Smith, J.N., Polyak, L.V., Vanshtein, B.G., Rahmanov, A.E., Vishnyakov, I.A., 1999. Technogenous radionuclides in bottom deposits of Kola Bay. In: Geology of seas and oceans. XIII Internat. Seminar in Marine Geology, Moscow, Abstract Vol. 2, 33-34.